Mutual Support, Debates & Great Ideas for Improving the OH Participatory Platform
A space for dialog, co-creation, and questions π between members of our Open Heritage community.
Keep up with our progress, ideas, and announcements here!
It can be difficult to know where to begin when creating your landing page, especially on Decidim. Decidim is oriented around transparent and open participation. However, how each city, lab, or organization wants to communicate where and how participants can engage with a project varies!
Platoniq has created a series of new content block for Decidim homepages. Designing the homepage came after realizing that the prefabricated landing initially available by the platform was creating and extra obstacle for labs who wanted an online presence that best represented them, their aims, and aesthetic...
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In our last phase of our engagement strategy we wanted to check the health of our labs and their platforms. As a closing step this would wrap up the learning and capacity building thus far co-created and shared by Platoniq within the meta platform and serve as a form of self evaluation for future self directed improvement by the labs. Platform health entails digital maintenance, but also the communication lines developed between communities and their respective platform. The big questions behind our platform health check are: Are people aware of, able to access, stay informed, and participa...
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At Sharing Cities (External link), an event in Barcelona this November, Platoniq shared some of the work and insights from working on OpenHeritage especially in connection to SDG 11. SDG 11 broadly defined is creating cities and human settlements that are more inclusive, resilient, safe, and sustainable. This was a perfect fit for the event and in alignment with the Sharing Cities programme which focused on platform labour, inclusion, and gender, and data commons.
When we think about platforms, many have a one size fits all design regardless of who is using it and where. However, much of the overlap betwe...
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This fall has been packed with events and workshops even until the end, one our favorite spaces to share and learn in terms of open and tech oriented spaces has been the Decidimfest.
At the Decidimfest, Platoniq held several workshops to demystify the platform and much of the ideas that surround it. To start with Ivan, an integral part to OpenHeritageβs technical management, gave a talk on what to do after downloading Decidim. While many communities, municipalities, and collectives get excited at first click, itβs trying to adapt the platform afterwards that becomes the sticking point. Ivan...
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