About this process
This process belongs to Labs demos
This process was started as a practice for the OH lab partners in the Barcelona training workshop in 2018, so that they would be able to implement their own digital platforms later on. This is OH Sunderland's current website.
SUNDERLAND OH Project chose to collaborate with the local college in order to encourage community engagement. Their primary focus group are students who will take part in this project through voluntary and training work as part of college activity.
One of the ways to involve the community in Sunderland OH project is by collaborating with the local college. We are focusing on involving the students within college activities as part of their training work in order to improve their skills as plumbers, or electricians but also involving them as volunteers in other sectors that could be of their interest such as: organizing concerts, working with media, and so on. We expect this to have a stronger community engagement as the outcome.
The process timeline to achieve this starts with MAPPING the students´ needs and skills that are beyond those described under the training program (as to say- we are courious about their interests as out school activity), which could be used for organizing the concert. For such we plan to use surveys. PROPOSALS would be used for suggesting the lineup - which bands would perform, or who of the students wishes to perform and such can be done through meetings. DECISION MAKING is achieved by voting. The very last part are EVALUATIONS which reflect on responsibilities (´accountability´ as the card is named) aiming to priorities and improve the taken steps. This is all part of a PROCESS, but then using INITIATIVES students could propose other type of events apart from organizing a gig which aim for the same objective: involving the community.