“Newcastle” Consortium Meeting
An online alternative to our Newcastle Meeting
Changes at "Add on + 🧤"
Title (English)
- +Add on + 🧤
Title (Castellano)
Title (PortuguĂŞs)
Title (Deutsch)
Title (fi)
Title (Magyar)
Title (Italiano)
Title (nl)
Title (Polski)
Description (English)
 (Participants: all Labs + MRI + whoever would like to)
- How they are affected by the COVID situation, possible restructuring of activities, communication issues, developing timelines)
- Evaluation of Task Force webinars – how well are they going, main inputs, what should be changed
Description (Castellano)
Description (PortuguĂŞs)
Description (Deutsch)
Description (fi)
Description (Magyar)
Description (Italiano)
Description (nl)
Description (Polski)
Start time
- +2020-05-19 15:45:00 UTC
End time
- +2020-05-19 17:00:00 UTC
- +newcastle, uk
Location (English)
- +online