Community task force
#participation (External link) The group leading community engagement in OpenHeritage
Changes at "Centocelle Task Force Webinar"
Title (English)
- +Centocelle Task Force Webinar
Title (Castellano)
Title (Português)
Title (Deutsch)
Title (fi)
Title (Magyar)
Title (Italiano)
Title (nl)
Title (Polski)
Description (English)
The meeting will be hosted by LabGov to update and share what's been happening over at the lab this past year.
Description (Castellano)
Description (Português)
Description (Deutsch)
Description (fi)
Description (Magyar)
Description (Italiano)
Description (nl)
Description (Polski)
Start time
- +2020-06-16 10:00:00 UTC
End time
- +2020-06-16 13:00:00 UTC
- +Rome
Location (English)
- +Online
Location (Castellano)
Location (Português)
Location (Deutsch)
Location (fi)
Location (Magyar)
Location (Italiano)
Location (nl)
Location (Polski)
Location hints (English)
- +online
Location hints (Castellano)
Location hints (Português)
Location hints (Deutsch)
Location hints (fi)
Location hints (Magyar)
Location hints (Italiano)
Location hints (nl)
Location hints (Polski)
- +Community Engagement