Toolbox Roadmap
#toolbox toolkit Cocreating the Toolbox Together
Process phases
101/09/2021 - 15/10/2021
Mapping and Revising Outputs of OH
Participants will go on a 'treasure hunt' finding the various treasures their organization or WP has created in OpenHeritage, create an information architecture that best captures how to categorise these resources, and brainstorm additional ideas or practices as a result of Covid-19 to add to the toolbox.
216/10/2021 - 15/01/2022
Designing the Toolbox
During this phase the partners will co-create the design of the toolbox to decide the look and format. Additionally, partners will create a mock up or draft and then develop a a dissemination plan.
301/02/2022 - 15/03/2022
Finalise + Launch of the Toolbox
This phase will make last minute changes and encompass planning a launch event.