Engagement Strategy
#openheritage (External link) Getting partners involved and excited about participatory processes
This page contains the results of the sortition 13. By means of this sortition, 2 number of results have been selected randomly and with an equal probability distribution from the set of proposals displayed bellow. Together with the results, the information displayed on this page provides all the information required to maximize guarantees and to reproduce the results. The key to the quality of this sortition is the double randomness provided by a the rolling of a dice(verified by witnesses) and the precise time of the sortition that provides input for an algorithm that generates a random selection. The time-seed for the sortition is so accurate (seconds) that it is impossible to control by humans thus providing a double "uncontrollable" input to guarantee a fair result.
OH Participatory Text: [3] Access
Using Decidim’s sortition component, randomly selected OpenHeritage partners will be randomly paired to a section of the participatory text. To ensure that the process is as random as possible, Ivan, Ella and Nadia have rolled a die to decide a seed number for the lottery algorithm. The task then of each lab will be to expand on the theme assigned to them within the group’s shared text.
The first proposal or partner selected will work on the section assigned, the second is a substitute for if any reason the first cannot fulfill the task.
This round is for the section: Access
Ivan, Ella, and Nadia