OpenHeritage Glossary
#OHglossary Identifying and clarifying keywords in OpenHeritage
General terms- strategic practice
Strategic practice can be seen as an alternative to mainstream strategic research by shifting attention from focuses only on the impact of strategy on performance to a more comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the actual occurrence of the strategy of formulation, planning and implementation, and other activities related to strategic thinking and strategies.
Because of its micro-level concerns, research following the strategy or practice agenda tends to draw on theories and methods that differ from the conventional practice of strategists. In this way, the use of strategic practice methods can promote the development of strategic management as a discipline and knowledge system through the selection of new theories and method.
Relevance: where and how is the term relevant in the OpenHeritage?
Work package II of OpenHeritage focuses on the complex, integrated analysis of 16 Observatory Cases that provide the micro-level in the multi-level analytical framework of OpenHeritage. For providing a contextualised understanding of how adaptive re-use works in practice, how the specific local circumstances interact with the larger institutional and regulatory framework, and how this interaction influences the outcome of the specific re-use projects the process in-depth analysis selected OCs to reflect a diversity of geographical situations and heritage assets involved, and also to provide essential insights and good examples. These outcomes are the vital knowledge base for the further steps to creates a complex transferability matrix and forms mechanisms that promote the transferability of good practices and policies.
Key discussions
Important themes of strategic practice research, including strategic work in different contexts, formal strategic practice, strategic decision-making, importance and tools in strategic work, strategic discourse practice, role and identity in strategy, and strategic power (D. Golsorkhi, 2010). The focus of existing research is on the way in which strategic work is carried out in a specific organizational environment. Most research in this area focuses on organizational processes, activities, and practices in specific contexts.
Another important discussion of "strategic practice" research has been dedicated to strategic perception. The research mainstream is interested in the social dimension of the senses. Therefore, the researchers focus on the social negotiation nature of meaning negotiation (Balogun and Johnson, 2004), the interaction between the sensory at the individual level and the organizational level (Stensaker and Falkenberg 2007), the organizational interface The impact of the wider social environment on sensory activities (Teulier and Rouleau, 2013), and the role of emotions in sensory creation (Liu and Maitlis, 2014). These studies show a trend that the role of emotions is especially a topic, and it has attracted people's attention in this field.
There have also been changes in the dimensions of research. Strategic practice‘s essence is very concerned about the micro perspective of strategy formulation and execution. However, some researchers have also begun to adopt a more comprehensive aspect, and reveal the relationship between social structure and its interaction with practice (Herepath, 2014).
Key references
- Golsorkhi, Damon, Rouleau, Linda, Seidl, David and Vaara, Eero. 2015. “Introduction: What is strategy as practice?”. 1-30.
- Markus Nini. 2016. “Strategy as Practice as useful way for strategic management in organisations.”
- Balogun, J. and Johnson, G. 2004, ‘Organizational Restructuring and Middle Managers Sensemaking’, Academy of Management Journal.
- Stensaker, I. and Falkenberg, J. 2007. “Making Sense of Different Responses to Corporate Change”, Human Relations, 60/1: 137–178.
- Teulier, R. and Rouleau, L. 2013. “Middle managers” sensemaking and interorganizational change initiation: Translation spaces and editing practices”, Journal of Change Management, 13/3: 308-337.
- Liu,F.,and Maitlis, S. 2014, “Emotional dynamics and strategizing processes: A study of strategic conversations in top team meetings” Journal of Management Studies, 51/2: 202-234.
- Herepath, A.,2014. In the Loop: A Realist Approach to Structure and Agency in the Practice of Strategy. Organization Studies, 35 (6) 857–879.
- Nini, M. 2016. “Strategy as Practice”. CQ Net:
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