OpenHeritage Glossary
#OHglossary Identifying and clarifying keywords in OpenHeritage
jobs and business opportunities
The possibilities for paid work leading to salary or beneficial entrepreneurial activities leading to profit.[fc1]
[fc1] In general, I think we should argue more about job and business opportunities in heritage adaptive reuse field. You should explain what does it mean in relation to OH project, since it is the goal of the glossary!
Thus, by focusing on the specific role of heritage adaptive reuse in providing benefits for whole communities by supporting opportunity for job creation.
I mean, for example about how heritage adaptive reuse could be a significant jobs creator by covering a wide range of job typologies and skill levels. Such as: from conservation-related construction, repair and maintenance, to job opportunities supported by the community-led practices and addressed to those who are economically disadvantaged, and so on.
You can grasp also insights for the OH application and from here:
Relevance: where and how is the term relevant in the OpenHeritage?
OpenHeritage focusses on inclusive transformation of heritage sites. In order for transformation processes to be inclusive and financial sustainable, one of the main objectives of transformation should be to create (preferably local) jobs and business opportunities. Ideally, every transformation process is initiated by a solid social-economic cost-benefit analysis in order to determine its impact on (local) jobs and business opportunities. In OpenHeritage, many interests come together in community-focussed transformation process. Companies aim for profit maximization, authorities (should) target well-being and prosperity of its citizens, individuals have different interests in the field of personal stature, security, well-being and health. Creation of jobs and business opportunities often is a shared interest that can bring most divergent objectives together.[fc1]
[fc1]In my opinion, the relevance of the term in the Open Heritage, as explained, is clear and suitable
Key discussions
- ownership vs. usage
- risk vs. profit
- public investments vs. private benefits[FF1]
Creation of the right environment that leads to new jobs and businesses is often considered to be a public investment where its results, the profits, are private. Salaries are generally taxed higher than capital. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. Inclusive development is a topic that is as old as it is complex and a major field of contemporary (and historic) economics. Community development combined with common ownership and benefits while requiring less dependence on external capital. How to organize this in the twenty-first century? [fc2]
[FF1]Please avoid listing and explain these themes in the main text. Since this topic is related to one of your WP3 question, please remember that you will have to use the lit rev, and the work you did here in your final answer of WP3 GRQ
[fc2]In my opinion, this is sure a good start but you should argue more on it. How is the theme related to planning and how do it affect territorial integration? How the relation with heritage?
Moreover, we should make rather uniform the glossary in its format. Therefore, you should include in the text the references used and argue on them a little more. It is also a way to make it more accessible as well as beneficial to whoever is interested
Key references [fc1]
- Das Kapital – Karl Marx
- Capital in the twenty-first century – Thomas Piketty
- Doughnut economy – Kate Raworth
[fc1]Please use chicago referencin
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